Thursday, August 22, 2019

Pet Dog Care & Grooming

Pet Dog Care & Grooming

Pet Dog Care & Grooming
Pet Dog Care & Grooming

 It’s always great to make sure our beautiful dogs stay clean and smelling good by grooming them regularly, but grooming is about more than just keeping them nice and pretty. Indeed, it's in reality fundamental to their wellbeing and health.

There are a lot of essential benefits to maintaining your dog’s hygiene and grooming them regularly. Dogs aren’t aware of or concerned about what’s dirty and what they should avoid when they’re outside playing. So, it’s our job as good pet parents to make sure we keep them clean, which also helps their general health!
Here are six reasons why grooming your dog is important, and you absolutely cannot skip it.

1. It Helps Prevent Fleas And Ticks

One of the main reasons we bathe our dog is to wash away most of the dirt and grime they might have collected throughout their days playing outside. But one of the more important reasons we need to bathe them to make sure we prevent flea and tick infestations.
Even though there are now specialized shampoos that can assist with this issue, they may not be completely effective in getting rid of flea and ticks. But bathing will help you spot them, and once you know they’re there, you can remove them completely and safely.

2. It Removes Dirt And Dead Skin

Brushing you're the dog is imperative to keep their hair silky and glossy. But whenever you brush your dog, you’re doing more than just making them look nicer.
Brushing them is a vital part of their health as you are also getting rid of external dirt, dead fur, and skin cells, as well as dandruff that might otherwise stay stuck on your dog’s coat.
Another reason brushing your dog is important is that it stimulates natural oils in your dog’s fur. These oils spread throughout your dog’s coat when you brush them, which leaves them looking shiny and healthier.
Brushing likewise enables your dog to keep away from tangled or bunched hair. Mats can cause major skin irritation and hold bacteria or parasites. Brushing your dog won't simply support their hair and skin wellbeing, however their general wellbeing, as well.

3. It Protects Feet And Helps Avoid Nail Complications

Nail trimming can be hard to do on your own at first, as the shorter you cut, the closer you get to the part of the nails with blood vessels. That is why it might be best to leave this to a professional if you are not comfortable or confident in your nail trimming abilities. However, there’s no excuse not to have it done at all.
Trimming your dog’s nails aren’t just about making their feet look nice. Having long nails can be uncomfortable for your dog and can also lead to a change in their gait–the way they walk.
Walking with long nails can cause your pup to walk on the side of their feet. This can lead to arthritis and even bone deformations if you do not trim their nails regularly.

4. It Helps Avert Possible Ear Infections

One of the important things we should be doing while grooming our beloved pups are making sure their ears are clean and devoid of any type of blockage.
At the point when dogs explore the world outside, they tend to catch up on against things. This can lead to ear mites and ear infections that will cause discomfort for your dog. Dogs who have especially long, floppy ears are at greater risk.
Making sure we check their ears when grooming them will help prevent issues like these.

5. It Maintains Dental Health

It is important to give your dog a bath and brush them, but usually, you don’t have to do this every day. However, when it comes to dental hygiene for your dog, it is important to maintain it as often as possible.
That means, for many dogs, brushing their teeth at least once a day to prevent tooth and gum decay. Small dogs who have crowded teeth or breeds who are predisposed to periodontal disease need extra care.
Maintaining a healthy diet can also help with dental health, and some dogs require less brushing than others. However, you should ask your veterinarian about a regular dental routine and include it in your grooming schedule.
This can have a tremendous effect on your dog’s well-being and will also help you reduce the need for professional dog teeth cleanings that can cost a fortune.

6. It Lets You Check For Abnormalities

One of the great benefits of grooming your pup are that you become more aware of what’s going on with your dog’s body. The more familiar you are with how their skin feels and how they respond to you when you touch them can tell you a lot, including if there’s something out of the ordinary.
Grooming you're a dog can help you recognize quickly if there is an unusual lump, bump, or spots on your dog’s body that don’t look normal. The quicker you can detect them, the faster you can take your pooch to the vet to see if something is wrong.
Also, make sure you pay attention to how your dog reacts to when you’re grooming them. If they show signs of pain or pull away when they haven’t before, it could be a

a sign that something is wrong. Regular grooming will help you establish what’s normal behavior and what isn’t.
What other reasons should dog owners keep up with grooming? Do you keep up a regular grooming schedule for your dog? Let us know in the comments below!

Pet Dog Care & Grooming
Pet Dog Care & Grooming

The Mental Health Benefits Associated With Dogs

As a writer at Daydreamdog with a keen interest in mental health, I’ve decided to combine my two passions in the form of this article. If you have ever owned a pet, you already know how much love, positivity, and fun they can bring. They become the center of our lives, bringing so much happiness while requesting for nothing in return.
Pets can also bring influential mental health benefits too. Dogs, in particular, can offer a companionship that reduces anxiety, stress, and depression, alleviate loneliness and encourage playfulness and affection. Essentially, dogs can help people to live mentally healthier lives.
How Dogs Can Help People Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes
Engaging and committing to a healthy lifestyle plays a key role in easing symptoms of mental health difficulties, including depression, stress, anxiety, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and drug addiction.
The responsibilities associated with caring for a dog can help people take those important first steps of making healthy lifestyle changes. These include increasing exercise, providing companionship, promoting socialization, reducing anxiety and stress and creating structure and routine.

Increasing Exercise

Taking a dog on a walk, hike or run is An enjoyable and fulfilling way to keep both you and the dog fit and healthy. Studies show that dog owners will reach or exceed
the recommended daily exercise requirements compared to individuals without dogs. Daily adventures will also strengthen the companionship between you and eliminate most behavior problems in dogs. Essentially, having a dog in one’s life is a great way of enjoying the outdoors, which in itself has many health benefits.
In particular, exercise can help the successful recovery of drug addiction. Drugs become addictive by stimulating the brain’s reward system through a rush of dopamine, known as a “feel-good hormone”. Exercise is an alternative (and more importantly) healthier reward for the body and brain. This can be particularly effective in the early days of recovery when withdrawal cravings are high, fundamentally making it easier to maintain sobriety.

Providing Companionship

The companionship that dogs can offer to people can help us feel needed and wanted. The responsibility of caretaking has mental health benefits, providing us with a sense of purpose, meaning, and happiness. These effects can be especially true when adopting or rescuing a dog.
Dogs love their owners unconditionally. They are always happy to see their owners and wish to spend time with them, no matter what. This type of unconditional love stimulates the brain to release dopamine (similar to the effects of exercise), resulting in a pleasurable response.
Pet Dog Care & Grooming
Pet Dog Care & Grooming

Promoting Social Connections

Dogs can readily follow human cues because of their understanding of their owner’s moods and emotions. As a result, dogs can support one’s emotional development and make it easier to socialize with others.
Dogs encourage social connection by providing a common subject to talk about. For example, walking a pet dog often leads to conversations with others. Consequently, dog owners tend to be more sociable and feel less isolated.
A person’s mental health improves when they are feeling more socially connected. Generally, people who have more social relationships and friendships are happier and healthier. There are plenty of benefits of social connection including increased self-esteem, lower rates of anxiety and depression, stronger emotional regulation skills, enhanced cognitive function and more feelings of trust toward others.

Improve Relationship Skills

Dogs help improve relationship skills. Forming a meaningful relationship with a dog can boost an individual’s confidence and develop skills. These abilities then transfer to relationships and friends, ultimately promoting growth and recovery.

Alleviating Mental Health Conditions

Dogs can help people manage their emotions and encourage them to engage in healthy coping techniques. In fact, a meta-analysis showed that dogs distracted participants from the symptoms of their mental health condition. This includes hearing auditory commands, engaging in suicidal thoughts or rumination.
In addition, caring for a dog creates a feeling of being in control, an important aspect of sobriety.

Alleviating Stress

When humans become stressed, we release a steroid hormone called cortisol. However, interacting with a dog can subsequently reduce these levels of cortisol while also increasing the release of oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine:
Oxytocin is also known as the “love hormone” that naturally reduces stress. Oxytocin is also associated with empathy, trust and relationship building. This is why pet therapy is so astonishing and powerful, often becoming a vital part of mental health treatment.
Serotonin and dopamine are hormones sometimes referred to “happy chemicals” because of its contribution to wellbeing and happiness. When they are released, they soothe and relax the nervous system.
Moreover, the sensory act of stroking a dog lowers blood pressure and thus reduces stress. Studies have demonstrated that dogs can help calm children who are aggressive or have autism or hyperactivity disorders. Even individuals who do not particularly like dogs can experience the benefits.

Creating Structure and Routine

There are many duties associated with caring for dogs on an everyday basis. Owners need to keep dogs healthy to live a fulfilling and happy life, no matter what mood they may be in. Because of this, dogs help us build structure and routines to our day.
Furthermore, looking after a pet dog reminds us to maintain our own wellbeing as well.

Final Thoughts

In summary, it seems clear that dogs and mental health go paw in paw. The bond between a human and a dog is indeed an undeniable one, and the unconditional love we receive from dogs is a natural mood booster. If you think you will benefit from an emotional support animal then discuss this with your doctor.

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