Discus fish
The popularity of the discus fish has started early in the 1920s it has been considered as the king and queen of the ocean for so long and is well-loved because of the shape and bright patterns and colors. Aside from that, it is an interactive fish that really connects with the owners if treated properly.
There is a need to know more discus fish information if you are deciding to breed it. Remember that even though they have been domesticated for so long, these are still exotic fishes once and they will require care and attention to thrive. Since the discus is sociable, you would need to keep them in groups, you cannot possibly choose to just take care of one because this will make them lonely and their health could suffer because of that due to stress.
Freshwater discus fish are very intelligent species and have
very distinct personalities. They are quick to recognize their caretakers.
This makes them the perfect pets to have at home. They display affection and
display great excitement every time you come near to the fish tank. These fish
also love being hand-fed regularly. However, avoiding putting out excess feed for
these fish can harm their health and reduce their life .
Discus fish tank size
Your discus fish will need an aquarium where they will happily live. Unless you have a river running through your property, your fish tank or the aquarium will be your discus fish dwelling throughout its lifetime. So you will have to provide it with an environment that will be perfect for mating along with living an existence which it is used to.
You need to be aware
To maximize the surface area, a rectangle-shaped tank is
The need for a big fish tank is not
If you
Prior to going out and purchasing a discus at your local pet retailer, you'll want to
The tank dimension is one of the most essential things that you should contemplate.
Although it is possible for one to maintain
Discus fish aquarium
A well established and appropriately taken care of an aquarium is actually an incredible thing to see, seeing those graceful and stunningly gorgeous discus fish move through the water one could quickly understand how theyare known as the kings of the aquarium. If you are showing such excellent fish, you will need to take care of them properly in order to maintain their wonder and splendid colorings; For that reason, taking the time to create their aquarium the right way is essential.
Aquarium Size
Discus proper in sizeable aquariums with lots of space to swim about, so your aquarium needs to be about 10-15 gallons per adult discus fish. Therefore, a 55-gallon fish tank is the minimum size for 6 full-grown discus (I know it should be 60, however, 55 gallons is a common size for fish tanks).
These friendly but shy fish want a tranquil daily life;they are accustomed to clean water and dark spacious surroundings to swim in. As a result, the discus aquarium ought to be located in an open area of the home outside of heat, direct sunlight, lots of movement, and noise. Additionally, keep the aquarium elevated, with a light overhead if possible, as shadows might be troubling for discus fish.
Water Conditions
Discus wish to have water conditions similar to their natural surroundings, in which the water is normally soft and a little acidic, so keeping track of aquarium water conditions is extremely important. The main components of fish tank water to be aware of will be the temperature, softness, and pH. Discus fish thrive with a pH between five and a half and seven and temperatures of between 77 and 86°F (25-30°C). Also to help keep a healthy discus, it is very important to clean out the tank and change 25-30% of the water at a minimum once per week.
Aquarium Filters
Before introducing discus to your tank, you must establish nitrifying bacteria colonies in your filtration system. It is significant as they arein charge of keeping ammonia and nitrate ranges in hand by consuming fish waste. Hence selecting the required filtering system is really important for preserving the nitrification levels of your water, should you have a planted aquarium then this would likewise aid to decrease the level of toxins in the water. However, routine water changes are nevertheless needed for preserving discus fish health.
Discus fish tank Mates
Discus will need lots of space, so not putting discus with territorial tank mates goes a considerable way to preserving a happy and healthy discus. One of the better partners for discus fish can be a really beautiful fish known as Tetra, there are a number of varieties of Tetra however personally find Neon Tetras, Cardinal Tetras and Rummy Nose Tetras to help discus definitely feel pretty relaxed and secure since they help simulate their natural habitat. Lots of alternative species of fish may also be suitable. It is very important to avoid any large or aggressive fish when building your discus aquarium just like freshwater angelfish; because they can bully your discus and muscle them out at feeding time.
Are discus fish easy to keep?
Lastly ,
let's discuss the behavior of healthy discus. Healthy discus will often exhibit
certain consistent behaviors and you
should keep an eye out for these to make sure your discus fish are
happy and healthy. Healthy discus fish are energetic and very interactive. They
will commonly react to movements and people outside of the tank and will even
eat out of your hand if they are in the mood! As
well , they will not be sluggish and often make quick, darting movements
from one side of the tank to another. If you are noticing these behaviors
daily, that's a good sign that you are doing everything right!
Discus fish types
A well established and appropriately taken care of an aquarium is actually an incredible thing to see, seeing those graceful and stunningly gorgeous discus fish move through the water one could quickly understand how they
Aquarium Size
These friendly but shy fish want a tranquil daily life;
Water Conditions
Aquarium Filters
Before introducing discus to your tank, you must establish nitrifying bacteria colonies in your filtration system. It is significant as they are
Discus fish tank Mates
Are discus fish easy to keep?
If you are thinking about keeping discus fish,
there are many things you need to know. I'll be covering 3
important areas that will help you to be
successful with your aquarium. First, I'll discuss the aspects of hard or soft
water. Next, I'll talk a little about what other fish are good to combine in
the same aquarium as your fish. Lastly ,
I'll touch upon the behavior you should look for in healthy fish.
let me just say that keeping discus fish
is no easy task, and if you are looking for an easy, low maintenance aquarium
fish, discus probably
aren't the best choice for you.
The first point I wanted to discuss is whether you should keep your discus fish in hard or soft water. This
has been an ongoing debate amongst aquarium hobbyists for quite some time.
It's true
that people have had success with both methods, but many people have also
experienced less than desirable results. It's recommended that the best way to
decide is to find out exactly what kind of water th e
fish were held in at the supplier or pet store, and
try to match it as closely as possible. It's also
important to note that experts agree that young discus should
not be
kept in very soft
water due
to the lack of minerals necessary for their growth. Once the discus
reach at least 5 inches, it's generally alright to
soften the water a bit. However, if you are trying to induce breeding
conditions, you
should lower the softness and PH of
the water to trigger breeding activity between adults.
let's discuss what fish are best suited to share an environment with your
discus, and which aren't. You
should avoid putting your discus fish in the same tank with much smaller fish,
as they may prey upon them. As
well , catfish should be
avoided because they could be a danger to the discus. A good rule of
thumb when keeping discus fish is to make sure that the discus are the biggest
fish in the tank, and that any other fish you enter into the environment can live in the same water conditions as discus and
are not aggressive.
Discus fish types
One of the best-loved tropical fish available is the divine discuss types of fish. If you typed discus fish into Google, you would likely be astonished at the diversity and vibrancy of these fish. If you are new to the variety of discuss species, this article is for you as a profile for some types of discuss out there.
Discuss fishare brightly colored with a striking shape that resembles a compact disc or Olympic discus. One of the other distinguishing features of discuss types of fish is its long length of around 10 inches. Discus care can be tricky though and discus is one of the hardest to care for in a home environment.
The two basicdiscus types you can get are the wild ones and the cultivated ones. The terms wild and cultivated refer to where they came from, natural environments or by cross-breeding.
Taking the natural discus to begin, Johan Heckel was famed as being the first to discover the Discus fish. His was the Heckel Discus. Thistype of Discus has a dark stripe down the side with a blue or red body. The descriptively named Green Discus come in a wide variety of greens with either stripes or spots down their side.
Brown discus are the ones you will encounter the most. These aren't the most inspiring to look at, with their dull dark brown hue and just the odd flecks of coloring. They are one of thehardiest of discus types and therefore easier to keep. If brown isn't for you, the Blue Discus are the same fish but, with a powerful blue coloring.
Wild discus types may come in a variety of shades and colorings, but the real fun begins when you look at the many cultivateddiscus types. The Albino Discus with its amazingly white body and alluring red eyes is actually the most recent addition to the cultivated discus types.
If you want a bit of glitz and glamour in your home aquarium, then the Blue Diamond Discus are the ones for you. With a luscious blue coloring over its entire body, it also boasts much slimmer fins than otherdiscus . This is where its name comes from-the twinkles it causes in the water as the light hits its fins.
Discus come in different varieties, both wild and cultivated. Discus care basics are constant across the board. The tank size is important with discus fish due to the size they can grow, so aim for one that is medium to large. The water needs consideration as they are from South America and along the Amazon. The water there is called blackwater, due to its look and consistency. This can be achieved by purchasing special chemicals. The water should be reasonably hot all the time. Discus fish are not fussy eaters and will nibble away at live baby crickets and sea monkeys. To avoid parasites, it is better to stick to the specialist food available at fish and pet stores.
Discus fish are some of the most dazzling available, though it should be remembered how much work needs to go into keeping them well and alive. If you do choose discus types for your aquarium, you will not be disappointed .
You'll find lots of different colors ofdiscus fish types for sale as
well as many varieties to select from. These varieties include:
Discuss fish
The two basic
Taking the natural discus to begin, Johan Heckel was famed as being the first to discover the Discus fish. His was the Heckel Discus. This
Brown discus are the ones you will encounter the most. These aren't the most inspiring to look at, with their dull dark brown hue and just the odd flecks of coloring. They are one of the
Wild discus types may come in a variety of shades and colorings, but the real fun begins when you look at the many cultivated
If you want a bit of glitz and glamour in your home aquarium, then the Blue Diamond Discus are the ones for you. With a luscious blue coloring over its entire body, it also boasts much slimmer fins than other
You'll find lots of different colors of
Brilliant Blue
Ocean Gree
Spotted Leopard
Leopard Skin
Leopard Pigeon
Blue Snake Skin
Snow White
Red Turquoise
Royal Blue
Red Melon (White Face)
Super Red Melon
Red Pigeon
Solid Blue Turquoise
Millennium Gold
Green Leopard
Leopard Snakeskin
Golden Snakeskin
As you can see, there are plenty of choices for you to select your fish from. It gets even more fun because
Selecting the Best Size of Discus
Before choosing the size of discus fish you want to buy for
your aquarium, you should first decide what their purpose will be. To begin
with, the cheapest way to start your discus aquarium is to buy very young ones.
There are some disadvantages to buying them so young. They won't be able to
breed for a long time and it's difficult to see what the color and quality is
of them. Another issue is that not all of the discus fish will make it to
adulthood when bought very young while others may not reach the full size of a
discus. As some varieties of these fish don't start to show their colors until
they're a year old, you may not actually know what you have until then.
If you're going to breed your discus, it's easiest to buy
around 6 young or juvenile ones so they can grow up together. Getting 8 to 10
fishes will typically afford you at least 2 pairs. On the other hand, if you
want a show aquarium, you should purchase adult specimens rather than young
ones. However, adult discus for sale are rather costly. That's why most people
buy the smaller ones.
How to Choose Your Discus Fish
Begin by observing the behavior of the ones you like.
Healthy discus fish are alert and pretty brave, which means they won't hide in
a corner all the time. The only time they may appear shy is when they're
adjusting to their new home. It's normal for them to be aggressive to each
other in groups, but watch for the ones that are particularly violent because
they can harm the other fish.
Next, you'll want to check them for any signs of disease or
other issues like torn or ragged fins or abnormal skin. Discus fish that look
dark or clamp their fins are showing signs of stress. Healthy adults breathe 60
to 80 times per minute and young ones breathe a bit faster. If the fish has an
abnormal breathing rate, is sick, or kept in a bad environment, it will weaken
and die.
Adult fish for sale should show their color while the
juvenile ones should be showing some of their color. Remember, if your Discus
Fish is very young, you won't know what colors they'll develop until they're
older. This is when a reputable breeder comes in because sellers aren't
required to be honest with you.
You can tell a lot about a Discus Fish by looking at the
head. Looking at it head-on, the part of the head located over its eyes should
be convex. A concave head shows that the fish hasn't received enough nutrition.
A bad diet will cause this as well as poor quality of water that makes a Discus
stop eating.
You should also avoid stunted fish. If your fish hasn't been
given a good environment with nutritious food, the growth rate will slow down
too soon and the fish will remain stunted. If you get a stunted discus, there's
nothing you can do to make them grow. Recognizing a stunted fish isn't that
difficult. A Discus Fish that's roughly 6 months old should be about the size
of a tennis ball. If you see a fish that's smaller, it's probably stunted. A
discus that's 16 months old and still the size of a tennis ball is stunted . Pay
attention to eyes that appear too big for the body as that is definitely a
warning that something isn't right.
Discus tank
To provide a good haven for rare aquarium fish, it is imperative that you choose the right kind of aquarium and its
associated equipment like air filters and motors. Plants release oxygen and
also add to the glamour of an aquarium. They help to keep the fish tanks clean
and devoid of germs and bacteria. If you can afford a larger aquarium,
then it is a suitable choice to have a sizable number of fish, along with multi-colored gravel and seaweeds. Make sure that you also have the right equipment
and an appropriate number of filters for the aquarium. This would ensure that it
continues to offer a healthy environment to the fishes and does not need you to
change the water frequently.
Always ensure that you meet the specific requirements for
your Discus fish and adjust accordingly for discus tank. As they are more delicate than regular fishes, they need to be attended with a little
care. Provide a sizable amount of showpieces like rocks, china clay, shells
and conches to add some company to your fishes . Usually, a temperature of 84 to
86 degrees Fahrenheit is favorable for these fishes. It is important to learn
about these factors from the aquarium keeper. They have a better knowledge of
this subject. A convenient solution is to purchase a thermometer and place it
inside your aquarium.
The discus needs to live in a large tank. They need to frolic
and be able to move to and fro to and cover more distance. The tank should be
big and wide enough and must be located where they cannot be disturbed by
noises and other possible predators. They also must be kept away from too much
sunlight and heat and the tank must have its own filter to rid the tank of
bacteria and impurities that might cause diseases.
Provide discus with the right amount of meals. Fishes do not
really die because of hunger, but they have a higher chance of dying from overfeeding. Give them a small amount of food and one large meal once a day.
Once you get hooked, you can try breeding the discus fish, it
could either be for profit or something that could fulfill you, a new hobby you
can turn into something profitable. You would need to invest your time,
patience, and love to make them thrive. Learn how to mate the discus
fish with another. Since the sex of the discus is hard to detect, you would
need to place at least 7 discuss fish together and let them find their pair
naturally but pair them with a different stock for better breeding
and to avoid genetic disorders.
This breed of fish is popular today, and many people have
included them in their home aquariums. If you'd like to add them to
your tank, there are a few things you must know. The first is how
to care for them to ensure they stay healthy. Second, we'll look at
what to do if they contract an illness. Finally, you'll probably want to
breed more discus fish , to further populate your tank. Let's take
a deeper look at each of these topics in more detail below.
General Care Instructions
The discus fish has its origins in the Amazon
River , and their name refers to their flat bodies, which resemble
a saucer or disc. They boast a wonderful array of beautiful colors and hues,
and this exotic species is a terrific addition to any aquarium! In fact,
they've remained one of the most sought after fish for nearly a century, and
you will have no trouble locating ones to purchase. However, they can be tricky
to care for and there are several pointers you need to know, so you are
successful in your efforts.
First off, it is important for them to have adequate space,
which means having a tank big enough to handle their needs. How much do they
require? The rule of thumb when it comes to discuss fish is to provide at least
10 gallons for each full-size adult you have in your tank. Also, it is
interesting to note they often fare better when you have several together in
the same aquarium. How many should you include in your tank? Between 5-7 discus
fish is optimum, and you'll see the best results when you have a number is within this range. As you are probably realizing now, this means you'll need
a minimum of 50-70 gallons of water in your fish tank, which is a fairly large
Once you have a large enough space to house your new fish,
you'll then need to concentrate on the water conditions. As with most fish, clean the tank each week. In terms of the correct water
temperature, the consensus is that between 82-86 degrees Fahrenheit is
best. This will keep them comfortably warm, and this most closely mimics their
natural environment. You can tell if your tank is too cold if the discus fish
move around only sluggishly. Also, the ph level of the water should remain within
a tight range, somewhere around 6.0-7.0 on the scale. This is acidic, which is what discus fish prefer. Finally, it is important to keep the
nitrogen levels of your tank low, and this will help them to thrive in their
new surroundings!
Correcting Problems which Arise
Now that we've examined how to create the perfect conditions
for your discus to thrive, let's look at some common problems and illnesses. If
the colors of the discus fade after you put them in their new home,
this can show they are unhappy. Here, they can often stop eating,
and if this continues, you will have an issue. Another sign of high stress is
white and stringy feces in the water, which shows that they are becoming sick.
How can you correct these problems? These can be fixed simply by increasing the
temperature and raising the thermostat a few degrees can work wonders!
If adjusting the temperature has no beneficial effect, be
sure to examine the other breeds of fish in the tank. As mentioned before,
aggressive fish cause discus stress, so these should be removed . However, you
may still have an issue after you've used both of these strategies. A third
thing to look for is a worm infestation, as discus fish are susceptible to this
type of condition. If this is present, medicine can easily correct the problem,
and you include it in with their food until it clears up.
Breeding discus for profit
What does a breeder have to do?
Breeding discus means that the breeder must be able to
provide quality water for the needs of the fish. It must not be too cold or too
warm and the water must not contain any strong and harsh chemicals. The water
must be soft close enough to 6.5 pH.
Why a Large Aquarium is Needed
In breeding discus , the owner must place the discus at a
large aquarium which would enable them to move around with ease together with
other fish. The food must be of high quality and any early signs of
sicknesses in other discus fish must be treated immediately. The discus is
with illness must be quarantined in order to prevent them from infecting the
others. The breeder has to provide quality food and living
conditions to make the life of the discus fish stress-free. By making
the fish happy, we reduce future problems that can lead to medical conditions.
What are the conditions that are needed during the breeding
A discus will not breed if the aquarium is not large enough,
the aquarium must be 15 inches for tall fishes, A 36 inches x 18 inches x 18
inches aquarium is the smallest and with 48 inches x 18 inches x 18 inches
aquarium one can keep 4 to 6 smaller discus fish. Keep them and let them wait
until they find their pair.
Why do you need to change the water frequently and what kind
of diet must the discus have?
Make sure that the water will be changed frequently. The
high protein diet of the fish will lead them to have a lot of waste products
and this has to be removed as soon as possible. In breeding discus , food is
crucial. The owner has to provide the best. A well-recommended food is the fish
beef heart as well as spinach and bloodworms for variety. One can also try flake
food that contains other nutrients and vitamins every now and then .
How would the discus fish react during the mating period?
Remember that during the breeding period the female and male
discus would be territorial and would clean the breeding place before they
decide to keep the eggs in it. During this stage, the warmth of the water must
be consistent and soft in order not to shatter the eggs.
The eggs will then hatch within 48 hours if the water
temperature is ideal after that the fry will move away from the breeding site
together with the parents.
Discus fish care
There are different kinds of tropical fish and one has to be
able to understand how to properly take care of them. Some make the mistake of
buying a fish that they do not even understand. Having an aquarium is a serious
responsibility and is considered to be rewarding and fulfilling once done
correctly. The way a fish has to be taken care of varies and one has to know
more in order to do more.
How to Discus fish care : Passion and Responsibility in
Fish Care
The discus is a well-loved aquarium pet due to the fact that
the fish are intelligent, loving and interactive with their owners. For this
reason, many would like to understand how to care for discus fish, how to
prolong their life and how to create the connection.
Here are steps on how to care for discus fish:
1. Never underestimate the power of a book. Although online
suggestions are good and contain helpful hints, nothing is better than taking
the time to research on the real informative ways to care for the
discus, learn the variety of the fish, how they came about and what makes them
2. Check the quality of water. Do not just use any
tap-water. Make sure to remove the chlorine and other chemicals and to use soft
water to maintain the pH of the water.
3. Use warm water never a cold one to maintain the needed
water temperature by the discus. pH 7 - Gh 15 - Kh 8 - conductivity 800ms -
temp 30C
4. Sign up for fish practical fishing magazines in order to
get more helpful hints on how to care for discus fish.
5. It would be best to care for an older discus fish and
they tend to be stable. Choose 12cm and over so that you can be definite
regarding the color and the shape that you will be getting.
6. Never buy only one discus fish. It has to be able to
interact with 5 or more discus in order to thrive and never alone.
7. Make sure that the water is clean and changed every now
and then , it would be best not to place gravel in order for an easier
8. Never use a carbon filter as this could affect the
quality of life of the fish.
9. It would be best to keep the design of the tank minimal.
You can include some plants and a few stones and wood but less is better in
order to make the maintenance faster. It would be best to give the discus fish
swimming space.
There are several aspects that you would have to take note
of when you decide to take care of discus fish. Discus fish care is more than
just the pH level of the water. It is also about where you will locate the
aquarium, when you will feed the fish, how to treat younger discus fish from
older ones, learning how to make the discus fish habitat as realistic as
The kind of filter that you will use will depend on the type
of tank that you have. You can try using the display tanks. Use canister
filters in order to make sure that the water will be clear and not nasty to
look at. But if it is a breeding tank, you would want to make use of an
internal power filter as this has been proven to be good for them.
Contrary to some beliefs that breeding discus fish does not
require much attention unlike some pets, we have to understand that choosing to
have fish as pets would also entail some challenges. For example, a person
cannot simply just choose any kind of water type, size of the fish tank and the
kind of food that you will provide them, especially the part wherein you face questions on how breeding discus fish works.
Exotic Fish and How They Must Be Handled
The first thing to make sure of when breeding discus fish
are the habits of the exotic fish. They will not react like other domesticated
fish. Discus have the habit of choosing their partner alone and because of this
they can cost more than what you might expect.
After that, they will choose a Discus fish breeding tank setup that is
vertical for their mating process and the area would have to be cleaned before
they will lay their eggs. They at times would spawn at the side of the tank and
after lying of the eggs the parents would be extremely protective of their
young. The good thing here is that they will not be aggressive to other fish
inhabitants except if the others would attempt to go near the eggs. You would
want to provide them with plants or corals where they can hide.
In breeding discus fish, add a small bag of peat moss in the
power filter for it is like recreating the natural water conditions of the
discus fish likened to the Amazon River where
it originally came from.
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