Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Complete information about Chinchilla pet

Chinchilla pet

Chinchilla pet
Chinchilla pet

Are you thinking of buying a pet? Well, everybody loves to keep a pet. Well, a pet can be that one thing you can turn to when everything is going the other way. Pets will always keep you happy and want more in life. They can make you happy even when you are down and think that nothing is going great in life. Yet, most of us want to keep a pet dog or pet cat.

How many of us have actually thought of keeping something different as a pet? Well, we are not talking about keeping snakes as a pet but something different.

Today, getting exotic pets is no more a difficult task. Knowing to take proper care of these pets is important. The Chinchillas of South America is known for its being cute and boisterous. People like to keep these little rodents as pets. However, one must know and understand that these little ones come from the wild and hence take time to adjust themselves to the new surroundings.

Some important points to bear in mind with regards to Chinchilla is below.

Chinchilla as a pet

1. These rodents are most active during dusk and dawn. Therefore during the day time care should be taken to see that they are kept in quiet places.

2. The females are quite active and aggressive as compared to the males. They tend to show more aggression towards the same sex in comparison to their counterparts of the opposite sex. These little ones can get irritated easily. When ticked off the females are known to spray urine. They may also bite their own fur. This could be a sign of poor diet, stress or too much noise around.

3. Female chinchillas mature at 7 months and can breed after that. Their gestation period lasts for 111 days. They can mate up to 3 times a year and bear 1-2 babies per litter.

4. These rodents prefer a lot of green grass and fibre in their diet. They have a delicate digestive system and therefore sugary treats must be given to them in moderation.

5. Chinchillas must be handled gently. These little ones like to nibble and chew whatever they find and so it is recommended to keep them in a cage. Since these rodents have a wild streak they take a while to get tamed and adjust to their surroundings. These are low maintenance pets, however, they love getting all the attention.

Chinchilla animal

Many of you might have pets of your home. Snuggling up to your pet dog is an experience out of the world indeed. Yet, did you know that you can have pets that aren't the normal pet dog or pet cat?

We are talking about having a chinchilla as a pet. Wondering what a chinchilla is? Yes, most of you have not heard about a female chinchilla so let us help you understand how having a female chinchilla can help you. Of course, we expect you to be surprised as you read this article.

 Chinchilla information

Chinchillas are squirrel-like rodents found in South America. They are slightly bigger in size as compared to the ground squirrels. These rodents are most active during dusk and dawn and hence are also known as crepuscular rodents. The body length varies from 10-14 inches and the tail could be about 4-6inches. These little rodents weigh about 1.1 to 1.5 kilograms. The average life span of these animals is 18-20 years.

If you are thinking about what there is to know about these rodents.

 Here are 5 important things to know about female Chinchillas

. Active as compared to the males: Female chinchillas are known to be more active as compared to their male counterparts. Hence the males are easier to tame as compared to the females. However, females act as great pets, too, and one you will love to have.

· Spraying urine: When ticked off or scared, we know female chinchillas to spray urine. They can spray urine from up to a foot away. While the amount of urine sprayed is not much, it can still be annoying.

· Aggression: Female chinchillas are more aggressive as compared to males. They show their aggression towards the same sex. Fights between two female chinchillas can often be very dangerous.

· Maturity: The females mature at 7 months and can be allowed to breed thereafter. For optimum breeding, breeders place the female Chinchillas into breeding before they turn 2 years of age.

· Breeding: The gestational period of these rodents is 111 days. A female can conceive 72 hours after a litter. These rodents can mate up to three times a year, producing 1 to 2 offsprings per litter. The number can go up to 4 babies per litter in rare cases.

These rodents should be handled and tamed gently. Unlike other pets, these require extra effort and patience to get acclimatized to their environment and surrounding. Utmost care should be taken when dealing with their food as the Chinchillas have a sensitive digestive system. Chinchillas can be great pets only if they can be cared for in the right way. Of course, you might want to have a pet dog but then chinchillas can be a great pet too.

Chinchilla facts

The name "Chinchilla" itself speaks about their origin. Chinchilla are rodents from the great Andes Mountains in South America. Apart from the tamed ones, the wild rodents are not limited to only Peru and Chile. They are fairly active and cheerful animals, but they show most of their personality only during the nighttime. Because they are nocturnal animals, they like to stay calm and quiet during the daytime and act playful throughout the night. They usually have a long life span; if their diet is properly structured.

Chinchilla food

Food is a major area of concern for people who like having chinchillas as their pets. As they have a very sensitive digestive system, utmost care should be taken while selecting the food items for their meals. To keep them healthy, it is important to give your pet the appropriate things to eat. It is limited to high-quality grass hay, pellets, and a moderate amount of fresh vegetables and fruits. Apart from this, they consume small amounts of water. The food habits of a pet chinchilla are slightly different from the wild ones. Wild species also consume seeds, bark, flowers and various types of grasses, but all these things are not suitable for pets. Overall, they eat and drink in small portions. Technically, their digestive system can't process fatty acids and food items that are rich in protein content. Their dietary needs can be fully satisfied with good quality grass hay mixed with a small amount of a pellet. So, don't feed them on fats; they prefer to keep it light and healthy.

Chinchillas as a pet:

Chinchilla pet
Chinchilla pet

People love to tame chinchillas because of some of their unique qualities. They are adorable and bond closely with the people around which they live. Like humans, they also suffer from mood swings. So, don't get upset if sometimes your favorite pet doesn't allow you to cuddle. They don't mind staying alone but sometimes they need to have their space so they can roam freely. Just like kids, they need a lot of toys around them to play with and keep them busy. They love hiding inside the boxes and are fond of dust bathing. A dust bath is also important to keep their thick and soft fur in good condition. They should not take baths in normal water; they should rather roll in the special dust powder prepared out of fine pumice.

Chinchillas are great pets but it takes some time for them to get used to people around them. Young rodents will bond easily but older ones take their time to get adjusted, just like humans. Sometimes it really becomes difficult to control them, especially during the nighttime when they become playful. So, it is very important to understand their behavior along with the food habits to keep them in a good mood and health. They are enjoyable rodents and like to explore. They make excellent pets and companions for humans of all ages.

Chinchillas that belong to the rodent family look a lot likes the ground squirrels. They come from the great Andes Mountains and are named after the local people of Andes, "the Chincha." Their personality resembles that of a squirrel but they are slightly larger. Chinchillas have certain qualities that make them great pets.

Chinchilla coat

The body of these rodents is covered with a soft and appealing fur that they clean while taking a dust bath, rolling in special dust made of fine pumice. For untamed wild chinchillas, the dust is made out of fine volcanic rocks. Have you ever seen a rodent taking this kind of dust bath? Well, they are unique in many aspects. These pets need rigorous exercise and their teeth grow at a quick pace so they need to be worn down constantly. Another unique feature is that chinchillas do not have sweat glands so when the temperature increases they might suffer from strokes due to overheating. They save themselves by dissipating heat through the ears by routing the blood in that direction, which is why you need not worry when you see their red ears; it is just because of the heat. They are found in many colors, but the most common is gray.

Chinchillas diet

Chinchilla pet
Chinchilla pet

Talking about their eating habits, chinchillas consume very little quantities of water and food. They feed on mostly roughage and their meals should consist of good quality grass hay that is specially made for chinchillas. The amount of hay they consume in a day is as little as one teaspoon. As they have a very sensitive digestive system, any change in food habits can affect their health, so proper care should be taken with their dietary needs. Wild chinchillas feed on desert grasses as they cannot digest high protein food or even fats. A good quality hay pellet makes the most balanced and contented diet for these rodents. Most people try to feed them with fresh fruits and vegetables, but it is very important to understand their eating habits. Fresh vegetables and fruits can prove to be fatal for them because of the body structure they have. Even if you try to give them dry fruits, limit it to one or two seeds in a day. As nuts contain a high amount of fatty substances, these should be avoided too.

Chinchillas are nocturnal animals so they are mostly inactive during the daytime and show their true colors at the night. Their activities can be found to be at its peak at the dawn and they prefer to be calm and peaceful during the daytime. Like humans, chinchillas also dislike changes;, especially in their diet habits. As they are active and playful during the night, it is preferable to keep them in cages. As warm temperature is a major concern of them, try to avoid keeping them in warm areas of the home.

Chinchillas are attractive and popular pets. Many people prefer to take this furball home because of the chinchilla's gentle temperament. The choice of a rodent as a pet is very important because of its uniqueness. The pet owner should know the basic information related to these creatures. Here are some less known facts about the pet chinchilla.

 Chinchilla Lifespan

Chinchillas are a kind of centenarians in a rodent family. They can live in captivity for over 20 years. Rabbits, Degus and Guinea pigs live shorter - from 2 to 7 years. The chinchilla's lifespan depends on its balanced diet, supply with fresh water, and enough space for exercising. Moderate temperatures are essential - if pets are exposed to heat for a long time; their life is in danger.

During their relatively long life, chinchs change their size and weight but keep their cheerful temperament and curiosity.

Youngsters are ready to move immediately after birth. Baby chinchillas eat solid food at the age of seven days. At the age of 8 months, they become sexually mature.

Dust bath for chinchilla 

When you think of personal hygiene, you probably imagine a shower, soap and plenty of water. In fact, chinchillas need a dry bath. What does it mean? These exotic pets clean their silky fur by rolling in special dust. Owners offer this bath to their chinchillas three times a week. The procedure takes about 15 minutes. The rabbit-like rodents use the bath not only to keep their fur healthy. This bath is also great fun for them.

Some owners might have an allergy to the dust, so people who intend to buy a chinchilla have to consider this fact.

 Chinchilla care

Heatstroke, diabetes, and broken bones are among common chinchilla health problems. Chinchs will need an air-conditioned place to live in the summer. These rodents are very sensitive to heat. Another fact to consider is that the chinchilla's cage should be placed far from, chimneys, direct sunlight, or even your kitchen. Another life-threatening factor is humidity.

Problems with digestion are also very common. The first thing an owner can do is provide the pet with balanced food or give the chinchilla only hay. Liquid Vitamin C is also a good first aid option.

Chinchillas often suffer from uneven or overgrown teeth. To prevent this problem, the chinch's parent has to provide his pet with enough hay and wood chewing sticks.

These are some less known chinchilla facts everyone should know before deciding to have an exotic small pet. If you already have this creature at home, we hope you will find useful chinchilla information in this article.

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