Friday, October 18, 2019

Hamster as a pet and how to care of them

Hamster as a pet

If you have been wondering what it would be like to take care of a hamster, then you have come to the right place. Keeping hamsters as pets is easy, but it is a commitment of your time and resources.

For starters, hamsters take up very little space. They require no more room than the amount of space required by a large fish tank. Because of their tiny footprint, you can successfully keep hamsters as pets in a tiny apartment or small house just as easily as you can in a large spacious home.

Although hamsters are small, in order for you to own hamsters, you will need to make a commitment of time and other resources. Keeping hamsters as pets can require as much time and dedication as owning a dog. Daily, you need to feed your pet and make sure it has clean water. Several times a week, you need to clean out their toilets. Each day, you must provide about an hour of playtime and interaction for you and your hamster. You also must plan on thoroughly cleaning out their cages about once a week.

Hamster facts

Financially, you may spend as much money to care for a hamster as you would spend on any other pet. While the initial expense of the hamster is minimal, there is a not an insignificant investment on its home and for supplies. Your hamster will eat only about a teaspoon of food a day. You will need to keep a fresh supply of bedding material on hand. The largest potential expense, however, may come from the veterinarian. Your hamster can get sick like any other pet, and you must be prepared to take him to the vet and pay for the subsequent bills.

If you want a small pet that you can cuddle, then you must choose your hamster species carefully. The dwarf hamster species are not tame, are exceptionally fast, and can fit through and into tiny spaces. The Roborovski hamster, especially, is a pet that is better to watch than to handle. The Syrian hamster has been bred as a pet for a long time and has become tame and amenable to human handling.

Although hamsters hoard food, you cannot expect to leave your pets alone in your home for over one or two days. These animals are social creatures and will become distressed if they do not hear your voice regularly.

Another thing to keep in mind is that hamsters cannot cool themselves once the temperature gets about 85°F (30°C). For this reason you must keep them and their home below this temperature at all times.

One final note about keeping hamsters as pets is that these animals are nocturnal or crepuscular. You must plan your interactions with them either very early in the morning or late in the evening. You must also keep them in the house in a location where they will not disturb your sleep during the night.

Hamster pet

If a hamster dies a natural death in old age, then it typically can live between 1 ½ and 3 years. Unfortunately, not every family's pet lives that long because there is a multitude of important factors that can cause premature death in a hamster.

For a pet hamster, probably the number one cause of early death is trauma. How long a hamster lives in a family's home depends to a great extent on how cautiously the hamster is handled and what precautions are taken when the hamster escapes.

Because hamsters have notoriously bad eyesight, they can easily walk right of ledges - such as tables, beds, chairs, platforms inside their cages - with no knowledge of how far they are about to fall. Before they are sufficiently tamed, these little critters also can easily jump out of a person's hand and fall straight to the ground. Thus, it is important for hamster owners to take precautions.

When handling your pet, it is best to be sitting firmly on the ground. This is a rule that should especially be enforced with small children. Keeping the hamster low to the ground prevents a pet from falling any more than about 12 inches (30 cm) if it were to be dropped or if it makes an unexpected leap into oblivion.

Hamster care

How long do hamsters live when they escape from their cages?

This depends on the measures that their owners take after the escape occurs.

To begin with, if there is an escaped hamster on the loose, then everyone in the house needs to pay attention to where they are walking. Sadly, many hamsters have died when they were stepped on.

Next, all the electrical cords must be moved off the floor. It is important to keep in mind that your hamster does not know that gnawing on an electrical cord can cause him to die.

It is best if the escapee can be confined to one room, where other pets can be kept out. If not, then all cats and dogs must be kept tethered lest they notice your hamster and decide that it would make either a good meal or a soft toy.

Next, family members must exercise great caution when using furniture. Hamsters like to hide in small enclosed spaces. A shifted couch could crush a hamster that is hiding between it and the wall. Similarly, the household members should check underneath each cushion and in the crevices of the furniture before they sit down. A small space can lead to death by suffocation when a person's body weight is added.

Finally, all laundry items must be shaken and then individually put into the washing machine. A pile of dirty clothes makes an ideal hiding space, and you don't want your hamster to die due to drowning.

So, as you can see, how long a hamster lives can depend on how adeptly hamster owners handle their pets and what precautions they put in place if their pet hamster escapes.

For the last several (human) generations, the Syrian hamster has commonly been kept as a pet. More recently, however, hamster enthusiasts have cared for dwarf hamsters - which are defined as any of four hamster species. This article provides an overview of each of the five species.

The Syrian hamster is from the species Mesocricetus aurates. This hamster has gone by the names of black bear hamster, teddy bear hamster, panda hamster, and golden hamster. Yet, all of these are the same species of Syrian hamster. They are three to four inches long and can come in long hair, short hair, or hairless varieties. These hamsters have been bred to be nearly tame. Although they are solitary animals and will fight with one another (to the death), they may enjoy human interaction.

Dwarf hamster

The first species of dwarf hamster that has been gaining in popularity is the Chinese dwarf hamster - Cricetulus parabens griseum. Of all the hamsters this one looks most like a rat. It has a long nose, a long narrow body, and a noticeable prehensile tail. Of all the hamsters kept as pets, this one is adept at climbing. If you choose to keep this dwarf hamster as a pet, then you should know two things. First, you need to give this animal lots of different places to hide - so-called "Hidey-holes." Second, this dwarf hamster can flatten out its body and fit through and into small spaces.

The other three dwarf hamsters kept as pets are all members of the genus Phodopus, a word that means "padded foot." The three species in this genus are Phodopus sungorus, Phodopus Campbelli, and Phodopus Roborovskii.

Phodopus sungorus and Phodopus Campbelli are often confused. They are distinct species, whose territories do not overlap in the wild, but both are commonly called Russian hamsters and Djungarian hamsters. In order to avoid the confusion, it is best to call them by their scientific names.

Phodopus sungorus has a more pointed nose then Phodopus Campbelli. In the winter time, when there is only a short cycle of daylight, the animals in this species can change the color of their coat to white in order to camouflage themselves in the snow. Another difference between the two genera is that Phodopus sungorus is a strictly nocturnal animal - arriving after dark, and returning to sleep before dawn.

Phodopus Campbelli has a profile that is often described as having the shape of the Roman nose. Dwarf hamsters in this species spend more time outside of their nests compared to Phodopus sungorus. In addition, Phodopus Campbelli is active from dusk to dawn.

The last dwarf hamster in the genus Phodopus is Phodopus Roborovskii, and it is the tiniest of all hamsters - measuring in at just around 2 inches (5 cm). This little critter is quite a sociable animal, preferring to live in groups. If you've ever seen pictures of hamsters stacked on top of one another like sardines, then you have seen a picture of Phodopus Roborovskii. This hamster is much speedier than any of the others, and, because of its size and energy level, is hard to catch and hold. As far as keeping this animal as a pet, the best advice is that this animal is meant to be watched, but not handled. If you have several of these animals (of the same-sex.) in the same cage, then you will delight in their antics and play. It is best to house these critters in an aquarium, as they can slip out of the tiniest of spaces.

 Black bear hamster

Black bears and hamsters have little in common. The black bear is large; the hamster is small. Black bears don't usually make good pets; hamsters do. Give birth to one or two babies; hamsters give birth to a litter of 8 or more. Black bears live in deciduous forests; hamsters inhabit deserts.

How on earth, then, did a creature get the name of "black bear hamster"?

Well, the black bear hamster is a non-scientific name given to a Syrian hamster whose pelage (a word meaning coat) is colored black. If you see this little critter from a distance, especially if he is standing on his hind feet, you might think that the animal was a miniature black bear.

In fact, however, the DNA of this hamster is exactly the DNA of the Syrian hamster Mesocricetus aurates. The difference is that this animal, however, does not have the original golden color of the wild hamster, but has a color mutation, designated by the genotype (a word that means the gene that determines something - in this case coat color) aa, which causes it to have a black coat. Sometimes the hamster is totally black, but sometimes there are small patches of white under the chin and on the chest. In addition, a black bear hamster often has "socks," which means that its paws and ankles are white.

Types of hamster

The pelage is one of 11 basic color mutations that occur as natural variations of the wild agouti-colored Mesocricetus auratus. Due to purposeful breeding, however, in the mid-1990s a chocolate colored hamster appeared, which was the result of breeding the Black (aa) with the naturally occurring Rust (bb) color. A hamster with this coat type would have the genotype aabb and is officially known as Chocolate (Black) [versus Chocolate(Sable)]. This hamster has a dark chocolate brown pelage with black eyes and brown ears. Since the term "black bear hamster" is not the name of a standard, and since the aabb pelage can be quite dark, a Chocolate (Black) hamster could also be called a blck bear hamster.

Another thing to keep in mind is that we so far have been talking only about the color of the animal's coat. We have not said anything about the texture of the coat itself. So, in fact, a hamster could have a normal coat, Rex coat, satin coat, or a long-haired coat.

Rex coated hamsters were first recorded in the 1970's. A hamster with this coat type has curly fur and curly whiskers. The satin coat first showed up in 1968. This type of coat appears to change colors when it is brushed in different directions. In 1972, long-haired hamsters first appeared. If you have a male long-haired black bear hamster, his hair could grow to a length 4 inches (10 cm).

In summary, then, a black bear hamster could refer to an animal with any of the following coats:

Black Rex
Black satin
Black long-haired
Chocolate (Black)
Chocolate (Black) Rex
Chocolate (Black) satin
Chocolate (Black) longhaired
There are two important points to keep in mind, though, when choosing a pet hamster.

1) Coat color and type do not determine personality. You need to assess the temperament of the hamster based on its behavior, not its color.

2) Regardless of the coat color or coat type, the animal is still a Syrian hamster. Therefore, it should care for just the same as any other hamster belonging to the species Mesocricetus auratus.

It is important that you are properly equipped when you buy a new pet. New pets are fun, but the first few weeks of interaction is crucial to a healthy and happy relationship. When getting ready to buy a Teddy Bear Hamster it is imperative to observe and consider the following things:

How to Bring Him/Her Home
What Kind of House Should They Live In
What Type of Bedding to Buy for the Hamster
What Food Can/Should a Hamster Consume
What Exercise Equipment is Best for the Hamster

Check, and double-check to make sure you have all the stuff your hamster will need to be happy.. Hamsters are fragile little things, so ensure that you have picked bedding, cages, food, playthings, and environments that will optimize their life and longevity.

History of the Teddy Bear.

The teddy bear hamster was first spoken of scientifically in 1839, but was not bred and domesticated until the 1940's. Hamsters got their namesake from their predisposition to hoarding food. Hamster comes from German, and literally translates, "One who hoardes." Hamsters have been documented as having grain food stashes of up to sixty pounds. That is an astronomical amount to collect for an animal that only weighs a few ounces.

Since their domestication is the 1940's Syrian hamsters, along with their cousins, rats, and mice have test subjects in labs. The reason for rodent's test subject popularity is due to how prolific they are. Hamsters can reproduce as young as 4 weeks old, usually have several pups in each litter, and can have several litters throughout a year. This makes studying the effects of medication, etc on future generations very easy.

Teddy Bear Hamsters most notably have been used to test alcohol aversion drugs. Teddy Bear's have a high alcohol tolerance level (around three hundred percent of ours) and when given the choice between alcohol and water will choose alcohol. This has made them great test subjects for medication to discourage excessive alcohol consumption. These tests have yielded many positive results and have made transitions into our marketplace.

Yet the Syrian Hamster since its domestication has also gained widespread popularity as a pet. Mostly because of their cuteness, curiousness, and playful antics. Hamsters will continue to be one of the most popular pets to own in the world and are a great asset to humanity's health and happiness.

Hamster name
All over the world, there are people who would like to have pets of their own. It may not be a very common choice, unlike choosing a dog or a cat. Some would want to have a more exotic kind. For many households, hamsters are acute and sweet pet to have. They are rather lovable and would love to live amidst calm and peace. If you are an aspiring pet owner who has a hamster in mind for a pet, you have to very particular in terms of providing it complete and utter comfort. You must secure a nice spot in the house wherein you can actually give them the impression of living in a rather cozy and warm hole. Hamsters are also typically known to be highly adorable and congenial creatures. If you wish to have your very own hamster, perhaps you would like to brainstorm on some hamster names.

A lot of hamster owners would like to come up with a unique or highly fashionable name that has a nice ring to it. These names should be easily familiarized by your pet hamster, although there are a few others which have rather weird names that they've grown accustomed to. When it comes to naming your pet, be very picky to get them to respond to you. Whatever name you come up with, make sure that your hamster recognizes it as a way of you addressing it.

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